Raju emphasizes the significance of the sense of smell in depicting the nature and character of their works, employing various idioms to visualize situations through fragrances. During the lockdown, the artist spent extensive time in their flower garden, unconsciously sensing different fragrances. Depicting these smells in their art serves as a reminder of specific situations and moments. However, the artist’s connection with the sense of smell underwent a significant change during their experience with COVID, leading to a temporary loss of this sensory perception. The days without the sense of smell were marked by empty fragrances and a sense of void, highlighting the crucial role they play in one’s life.
The artist, based in Hyderabad, pursued a BFA in painting from the Department of Fine Arts, A.U, Andhra Pradesh in 2011 and an MFA in painting from Govt. College of Arts & Craft, Kolkata in 2013.