Srinivasa Rao’s educational background, an MFA in Sculpture from SN School, HCU, Hyderabad (2010), a BFA from P.S Telugu University
(2008), and a Diploma in Traditional Sculpture and Architecture, contributes to his unique artistic narrative. His Bronze sculptures feature
Bulls and Demi-Animal forms that exude vibrant energy through dynamic movement and varied color, texture, and form treatments. Super
Betty, an urban figure adorned with mirrors, embodies both high spirits and moments of ecstasy, encouraging viewers to contemplate the
consciousness of the inner self beyond the physical. Each work of his stands out with a lively color scheme, employing a playful mix of
abstraction and realism. Across these three bronze sculpture series, a common thread emerges, reflecting Rao’s introspective journey to
find the inner self. His constant communication between inner and outer realms, intertwined with surroundings and nature, underscores the
proofing thematic and aesthetic depth of his impactful work.